The term Web 2.0 was coined by Tim O'Reilly in 2004 to refer to a second generation of Web-based user communities and a range of special services such as social networks, blogs, wikis or folksonomy, which promote agile collaboration and exchange of information between users.
The original concept of the Web (in this context, called Web 1.0) was static HTML pages that were not updated frequently. The success of the dot-com sites depended on more dynamic (sometimes called Web 1.5) where CMS served dynamic HTML pages created on the fly from an updated database. In both respects, getting hits (visits) and visual aesthetics were considered as very important factors. The proponents of the approach to Web 2.0 believe that the use of the site is aimed at interaction and social networks that can serve content that exploits the effects of networks or not creating visual and interactive websites. In other words, websites 2.0 acting more as meeting points, or webs dependent users, as traditional webs.
Credits: Wikipedia
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