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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fire in the Peloponeso

The 24 of August of 2007, begins the fire in the Peloponeso, Attica and Euboe. In the Peloponeso the fire devastate some villas and kill 60 people. For the 25 of august much people be disappeared. Six people were found dead in the city of Areopoli, and in Zacharo one of the places but affected, at least 30 people they were found died by the firemen while they looked for in cars and set afire houses. Police officials communicated that the fire was caused deliberately, because the firemen found bottles with gasoline in the set afire places. Also they say that the fires of the Peloponeso were deliberate, because 20 fire centers began at the same time in different places.

the news and google

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