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Friday, January 25, 2008

Past simple and past coninuous!

past simple and past contunuous are tow verbal times we use for speak of the past.
past simple is a past tense, and continuous is a tense in past but its like you were doing at this
moment. The difference is that one is in the past and the other is in one moment at the past.

Past simple:
That is formed by the verb + ...ed, but not with the irregular verbs.

I writed/ didn't write
you writed/ didn't write
she/he/it writed/ didn't write
we writed/ didn't write
you writed/ didn't write
they writed/ didn't write

Did I write?/ Yes, I did/ No, I didn't
Did you write?/ Yes, you did/ No, you didn't
Did he/she/it write?/ Yes, he/... did/ No, he/.. didn't
Did we write?/ Yes, we did/ No, we didn't
Did you write?/ Yes, you did/ No, you didn't
Did they write?/ Yes, they did/ No, they didn't

Past continuous:
That is formed by the verb to be in past + ing.

I was/n't writing
you were/n't writing
he/she/it was/n't writing
we were/n't writing
you were/n't writing
they were/n't writing

Was I writing?/ yes, I was writing
Were you writing?/ no, you weren't writing
Was he/she/it writing?/ yes, he/.. was writing
Were we writing?/ no, we weren't writing
Were you writing?/ yes, you were writing
Were they writing?/ no, they weren't writing

Credits: by me and the english book.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The global warming is the increase of temperature in the earth, near aire and of oceans, in shortly time. With the contanmination we do to earth is very often, and if we don't stop him now the global warming is gone to be very hight, a lot of animal species is gone to be dead, and When animals are in extincion danger, the animal chain is gone to be broken. Increasing global temperature will cause sea level to rise, because the icy poles are gone to be melting. The cause of the gobal warming is producted, is because in the Co2 ricochet infrared rays, and we are making a lot of Co2.

credits: wikipedia


In my house we do xmas... we put the xmas tree, and in the night before christmas we go at my gandparents house to dinner. In christmas we early get up and take the presents... thats my xmas!!
In the video you can see my mother decoreiting the christmas tree...

credits: me